Still waiting for the migration to catch up to our expectations. But fowl are falling. Guide service harvest is up to 450, 19 species. Scored a couple hand-fulls of awesome shoots so far, but there’s been an equal number of slow days. (By slow days I mean ‘several’ good opportunities versus ‘numerous’ good opportunities.
Big clouds of red heads (2-10 thousand per) haven’t quite broken up yet, but we’re getting real close. As is, we’re getting a go at flocks of 50-150 every second or third day. Seeing pintail most every day, but once again getting only one to three good chances every other day. Some big studs available when you get into ‘em. More teal than we’ve had last few years. Good blue bills available in certain areas. And then, a little bit of anything everywhere else.
Looking at a real nautical day on Saturday. Finally, the weather we’ve yearned for. Might be an epic day.
Gotta go. The morning alarm has no mercy,
Vic, Ellen and the crew.