Update for January 13th 2021
182 fowl were captured last week
Included were everything from swan to teal to ruddies. Most prevalent fowl harvested were red heads, pintail, mostly lesser blue bills, buffleheads, teal and gadwall.
Still a lot of ducks I haven’t seen yet this season. With all the rain the eastern US has seen so far this winter and a lack of freezing weather, I’m thinking a lot of fowl are utilizing every swamp or low flooded area up and down the coast. Yo! Readers! Get out there. Find those secretive ducks. Pound ‘em hard and send them our way. Either that, or some ice down as far as Virginia would help put an exclamation point on this season.
612 fowl captured up to today.
Bed time. Back at it tomorrow.
Left decoys out, so get to sleep in.
Alarm set for 4:30….